Stephen Colbert Name Symmetry: The Plane Crash and “Same Letter Effect” Connection
7 mins read

Stephen Colbert Name Symmetry: The Plane Crash and “Same Letter Effect” Connection

A Remarkable Revelation: Unveiling the Astonishing Alignment in Colbert’s Life Events and Lineage

Same Letter Effect”
J” Father – Captain U.S Army Dr. James William Colbert (deceased) Brothers: James Colbert III and Jay
P” – Peter and Paul (deceased)
M” – Mary & Margaret
E” – Elizabeth & Edward
W” – William & father Dr. James William Colbert
T” – Thomas & mother Lorna Tuck Colbert

Same Letter Effect” Vowel “A” or “E”
Evelyn McGee Colbert

”Same Letter Effect” C
Colbert family shares same letter matching “C” as flight crash Charleston to Charlotte, North Carolina

Same Number Effect” (significant date)
9-11-1974 – September 11, 1974 date of Eastern Air Lines Flight 212 plane crash
9-11 aka September 11= 11 children total- 2 died on plane crash of Eastern Air Lines Flight 212 – (9 Colbert children left)

“Same Letter Effect” with Stephen Colbert comedy partners from Second City Theater, Chicago
C” Founder – Del Close , Chris Farley, Steve Carell
S” Amy Sedaris
PPaul Dinello and David Pasquesi

Initially, hesitated to write down this article as I explored the heart wrenching narrative of Stephen Colbert. The tragic tale of an airplane disaster claiming 75 lives, including members of Colbert‘s family, unveiled the “Same Letter Effect” and “Same Number Effect” pattern.

Stephen Colbert’s Parents

Captain U.S Army Dr. James William Colbert Jr. and Lorna Tuck Colbert

Couple shows NO “Same Letter Effect”

“On September 11, 1974, Colbert’s dad James Colbert and two brothers, Paul and Peter, were on a short plane trip from Charleston to Charlotte, North Carolina. The plane was Eastern Air Lines Flight 212, a small one with 82 people. It seemed like a normal landing at Douglas Municipal Airport, but it didn’t happen. The plane crashed three miles away from the runway, on a hill with lots of cornfields.

Although bystanders and first responders rushed to the scene, the passenger cabin was totally consumed in flames by the time they arrived, and only those outside the plane could be helped. Rescuers ultimately took 13 people to hospital, all seriously injured aside from Collette Watson, but the prognosis for some was grim. Two passengers, including a 17-year-old girl, had been burned across 90% of their bodies, a total that is usually unsurvivable, and despite doctors’ best efforts to save them, these victims ultimately died in hospital—one after two days, the girl after six, and a third injured passenger after 29. In total, only 10 people survived, while 72 died, including all the media personnel, the US Navy Rear Admiral, and the father and brothers of Stephen Colbert.

The basic error leading to the disaster was banally simple: despite clear conditions above the fog and properly working instruments, the pilots descended too early and crashed into the ground. They should have leveled off at 1,800 feet until they reached the final approach fix at the Ross intersection, but they did not, and no one appeared to realize until it was far too late.

Stephen Colbert’s father James, and brothers Peter and Paul, who all perished in the Eastern Air Lines Flight 212 crash.

Although First Officer Daniels had survived the crash and was able to testify, he too was unable to say why this had happened. As far as he remembered, everything was normal until the moment of impact, and he even recalled thinking that they were about 130 feet too low while crossing the Ross intersection, when in reality they were 450 feet too low. The NTSB therefore had to consider how he could have been so misled and whether this by itself explained the accident“. – By Admiral Cloudberg

The surviving First Officer reported believing that he was higher in altitude before the plane crashed.

Could it be possible the instruments on the plane used to distinguish altitude were tampered with ??
Food for thought.

Stephan Colbert married to Evelyn McGee Colbert

Stephen Colbert and Evelyn’s children do not have same letters matching, except Peter.

Madeleine, Peter and John

Stephen Colbert went to Northwestern University in Chicago to concentrate on theater, then discovered improv comedy at the world-famous Second City Theater and its founder, Del Close. Colbert met his future comedy partners while in Chicago, including Chris Farley, Steve Carell, Amy Sedaris, Paul Dinello, and David Pasquesi with whom he created and starred in the cult hit show Strangers With Candy.

After that show ended, he joined the cast of The Daily Show. His career took off from there

Stephen Colbert began hosting The Late Show in 2015, taking over the late night talk show from previous host David Letterman

So in summary, only “Same Letter Effect” “P” and VOWEL “E” only currently appears within Colbert’s inner family. However, ”Same Letter Effect” & “Same Number Effect” appear to exhibit within his siblings and plane crash tragedy.

Read other articles below with “Same Letter Effect” or Same Letter Matching:::

The content within this article is derived from various online sources.