In the Shadows Playing Ring-Around-The-Rosie with “Same Letter Effect”
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In the Shadows Playing Ring-Around-The-Rosie with “Same Letter Effect”

Puppets & Puppeteers: ”Same Letter Effect” are in the shadows controlling America

Same Letter Effect
“K” Keith Kolovich – South District Attorney Office in NY
“G” Graham Gordy – Writer for True Detective
“R” Rebecca R. – Nurse at Hospital + Gina B.
“M” Dr. Mary Mendelsohn – assigned doctor for follow up

So, here’s the deal: my husband and I have been dealing with some seriously messed-up stuff for years now, and it’s seriously starting to affect our lives. We’ve tried reaching out to the government about it, but it feels like nobody’s listening. So, we made a pact to keep trying until someone finally hears us out.

We figured this year we’d start with the District Attorney’s Offices in New York. We skipped New Jersey’s office because one of the guys working there, John Pascrell, is connected to a retired congressman named Bill Pascrell, who, along with Nancy Sinatra, tried to get me banned from my X account back in January. Sketchy, right?

Anyway, we reached out to all District Attorney Offices in New York, and finally got a call back from the South District Attorney Office. The guy on the phone, Keith Kolovich, mentioned that Attorney Erin Reed told him to call us, whom we never heard of. We briefly looked him up, so we figured we were in good hands. But get this: after talking for just 45 minutes, he cut us off and told us, he was unable to help us and to call back after hours to finish the story. Shady, right? Needless to say, we didn’t bother calling back.

So, now we’re thinking maybe a reporter could help us out. I did some digging and found this girl off Columbia University social media Chere Franco who seemed legit. However, when we finally had our scheduled meeting with her, she seemed off. She also told us she would only give us 45min of her time, which was very weirdly coincidental. After a little over an hour she cuts us off and tells us she is unable to take on the story and that she will pass it along to Graham Gordy a writer from True Detective and perhaps he will be able to use our story.
Apparently, “Same Letter Effect” people are already influencing the best of the best journalists and reporters from colleges and universities.

Meanwhile, I also submitted on January 8, 2024 an OPRA Open Public Records requests for a sketchy incident that occurred at Planet Fitness, but the city keeps sending me this reoccurring email from Office City Clerk- Alexandra Durso requesting for additional 2 more weeks. And every time I try to leave the house, something bad happens. It’s like I’m being conditioned to be kept inside on purpose.

So, here’s the hospital visit story: I’ve been stuck at home because every time I try to go out and do my thing, something bad has been happening. To figure out who’s behind all this mess blacklisting us and keeping me cooped up, I started digging deep into this whole “Same Letter Effect” trafficking network of shady characters doing shady stuff. I got so obsessed that I ended up going back about hundred years, tracing these traffickers. I got lost in a world of research and reading for, which you now know as the place to learn how to spot a TRAFFICKED celeb by using the “Same Letter Effect” method. After spending all my time researching, digging and reading non-stop, barely catching any Z’s, I ended up getting sick and it made me not eat for days. My husband finally convinced me to go to the hospital since my doctor was away that week. Off we went to Valley Hospital in Ridgewood. This is the same place where I ended up after getting attacked on Memorial Day Weekend by two hefty ladies at the MET Life Stadium Flea Market back in 2016.

When we got to Valley Hospital around 2 pm, this asian nurse Linda did my intake but was cold and rude. She had her ID tag turned around, which made me, had to ask her name. After that weird encounter, I went back to wait my turn. About 20 minutes later, ER nurse Joe called me in and got me settled in a hospital bed. While waiting to be seen, this young woman with her cellphone glued to her ear asked to see my ID tag. Her name was Rebecca R., triggering my “Same Letter Effect” radar. I freaked out and refused her request. She kept her personal cellphone glued to her right ear during our interaction, like someone was telling her what to do. When she asked for my name, I reluctantly gave it but then followed her back, close to her desk. I noticed she started looking me up on the hospital database. I yelled across the room and told Rebecca R. that I do not want her to access my information. She then in turn walked over to her colleague, who sits directly across from her and she went to her computer. I got scared and angry at what she might be up to. So, I asked my husband to get someone else because Rebecca R. made me feel super uncomfortable. We got Nurse Nicole Waterhouse instead, who had her full name on her tag and seemed caring and genuine about my condition. Notice she had her “full name” on her ID Tag. She was very transparent and confidant, which made her shine like a normal individual and in turn made me feel very comfortable.

While Nicole was out and about looking for a doctor to address my issue. I noticed Rebecca R. was speaking to Gina B.. When Lucy R. was speaking to us about the financial aspect of the hospital payment. I had to stop Lucy R. from continuing to speak about our private information in front of a strange woman standing at the end of my bed. I then asked who she was and why she was standing there listening to our private conversation. She indicated that she was my nurse Gina B. Which then my husband and I looked at each other shockingly and said that I already have a nurse. I told her to leave and that I did not want her around.

Soon Nicole would return with a very very kind and happy Dr. Matthew Sumicad – notice another “full name” on a tag. I am noticing the people with full name tags are the ones who are transparent, happy and genuine . Compared to the people with name tags that just have initials. who were acting suspicious, careless and unprofessional. #SameLetterEffect

While the doctor was speaking with me there was a young tall hispanic man in a nurse uniform that kept peeking in and out behind the wall listening and looking at me. Which was very unprofessional and suspicious. The nice doctor spent less than 5 min with me and was urgently called away.
About 10 min later Gina B. comes strolling with the computer and gives me a prescription with the wrong address and with the other nurse name on it, instead of hers. And told me that this was the only thing the doctor prescribed me.
Her lie triggered me and I became very livid that she was withholding the crucial second medication from me. I demanded Gina B. To leave and insisted on a different staff member attending to me. Unaware that the second medication held the key to immediate relief, I would have endured unnecessary suffering had it not been administered, later on.
I got up from my bed and looked for the nurse Nicole with the “Full Name” on her name tag to assist me. When I told her that Gina.B did not give me the second medication, she went to Rebecca R. desk area where Gina B. was and retrieved the medication for me. I literally went ballistic seeing that Rebecca R. was still involved with my visit at the hospital even after I repeatedly told her to stay away from me.
On my discharge papers the follow up doctor was Dr. Mary Mendelsohn “Same Letter Effect” – I cant win… smh !!

VIM for Valley Hospital – I’ve never encountered a hospital where staff wore ID tags with just their initials. When it comes to those responsible for our lives, especially in the ER – Emergency Room, there should be transparency and accountability. Patients deserve to know who is administering their medication, handling their personal information and addressing their emergencies. Without full names on ID tags, there’s a risk of individuals hiding in the shadows and potentially engaging in harmful actions without accountability. This practice of medical personnel concealing their identities could lead to various security concerns and vulnerabilities.

Read more about “Same Letter Effect”::

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The content within this article is derived from various online sources.